important factor is frequently overlooked transcription rates
There's rivalry in the transcription company at the same time, as with every other company. Should you list transcription rates on your site is a matter of personal preference, but the important factor is frequently overlooked; giving the prospective customer everything they have to make a decision and move forward. When a potential customer is seeking transcription services they generally need services or in the close future. While some folks don't mind doing hours of research to locate the appropriate business at the appropriate price, others what the in your face approach; "Here is what my business is offering and this is what you are getting for the cash."
"If I list my costs, this will help it become easier for others to have lower costs?" Well, yes, but you list your rates according to what you feel is appropriate for your own company; you don't scan the web to see which more are charging. Think about this for a moment. If Company A has a price list easily available on their website, a potential client who's prepared to get started can see immediately how much their endeavor will cost and continue. On the other hand, Company B may have great testimonials and prices that are good, but if an expected client has to e-mail or phone them await an answer, and to get the rates, they ordinarily will proceed to the following individual on the list.
It really will not matter what your prices are; there will always be someone billing less and more than you than you. What is important is that you simply supply the potential customer, who's ready to purchase, if they choose to the opportunity to carry on instantly.
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